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Monday, July 21, 2008

An Introduction to Wine Tasting

Wine tasting is the sensory examination and assessment of wine. While the practice of wine tasting is as ancient as its production, a more formalized methodology has slowly become established from the 14th century onwards. Wine tasting is an art and not every person can be a perfect wine taster. One needs to have a very fine sense of smell and taste, together with the ability to distinguish subtle color differences. Experience of tasting several wines of different aromas, grapes and blends is essential.

Learning Wine Tasting

It is not too tough to learn the art of wine tasting. You do not need to be an avid drinker, but you should have the three basic senses as stated

1) ability to discern subtle color differences

2) a keen sense of smell, and

3) a keen sense of taste. If you have these three qualities then you only need some dedication and extra bit of interest in this art form. If you have knowledge of different wine varieties, their areas of production and the wine making process, along with knowledge of the grapes used in making wine, then that will surely be a helpful factor in assessing the quality of a wine as well as enabling you to make judged comparison with other varieties available.

It is easy to learn the practice of wine tasting and if you already enjoy wine, learning the nuances will increase the pleasure that you get from tasting and drinking wine.

Appearance - The color of wine is a major deciding factor, it varies tremendously even in same type of wines. Therefore, wine should be poured in a clear glass in front of a white background to appraise the color of wine. It is a fact that a white wine is not actually white. Its color can vary through shades of green, yellow or brown.

Deeper colors in white wine often indicate greater flavor and advancing age. Similarly, red wines are not just red. They can be pale red and range from almost purple to deep brown red; the color usually becoming lighter with growing age. With time, many red wines may improve but generally age will ruin most white wines. Do seek sound advice if you intend to buy wines to store for more than a few months.

Smell (Bouquet) - Move the glass of wine in your hands in a circular motion, this releases molecules in the wine allowing you to smell the aroma. Take a light sniff first and catch the aroma of the wine properly, then take a deep whiff and concentrate on the depth of aroma. Do not try to taste it too early. After tasting and smelling several wines, you will start to notice the similarities and differences that exist between them.

Taste (Palate) - The most important deciding factor of any wine is its taste. The balance between fruit and acidity is a vital factor. Initial taste, and aftertaste, both are important. Give proper attention to both and note whether it is light or robust? Is it smooth or harsh? After swallowing wine, feel how long the flavors last in your mouth. Was it pleasant?

These are three deciding factors in wine tasting. The more diverse the selection of wines you try, and the more attention you pay to each wine, the better you will become at ascertaining and describing each wine's characteristics. If you really want to become an expert wine taster, you should visit wine tasting events in your area or arrange a wine tasting event at home for a few like minded friends.

Winelines was founded by Martin de Rusett, an established Wine Merchant and lecturer in London. The Company aims to expose the mystery that surrounds wine tasting as well as wine making, storing and serving, in order to educate and entertain.

For more information visit : Winelines

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